Students Spotlight

Student Spotlight September 2011

Irene Iwerebon

Monday, September 12, 2011
Iwerebon, Irene sep student spotlight (3).jpg

Born and raised in Nigeria, Irene Iwerebon made her way across the Pacific and halfway around the world to find Ambria College of Nursing.  When Irene was only fifteen years old, her parents sent Irene to a boarding school in England to study Accounting and Financing. After completing her studies in England, Irene traveled to the United States. In Heiniker, New Hampshire she attended college and earned her accounting & financing major. Soon after met her husband and settled down. For the last twelve years she has been raising her two beautiful and talented children, Serena and Alexander.  Both are extremely talented in orchestral music. “In my spare time, I run or ride my bicycle”, Irene said.  Irene has run a marathon, but her true love is bicycling.  On the weekends she rides 25-30 miles on Lake Shore Drive.

Irene’s goal is to become a Certified Registered Rehabilitation Nurse (CRRN), and she has already planned her academic steps in order to achieve this goal. In order to become a CCRN, one first needs to become a CNA, then LPN, then RN, and then finally a CRRN.  Irene is currently a CNA enrolled in the LPN program at Ambria.  In addition to going to school and taking care of her family, Irene also works part-time and is currently working with two clients that are giving her experience in rehabilitation.  One client is a physically challenged child and the other has dementia.

While researching nursing colleges, Irene found she was most impressed with Ambria College of Nursing because of the lack of waiting list. She also said the LPN Information session was extremely helpful (i.e., the presentation offered information about success rates, jobs after graduation and other very impressive statistics) and outclassed all other schools she considered.

I haven’t taken all the LPN classes yet, but Pharmacology was most challenging. However, I learned so much.  The challenge and variety in this class kept it so exciting. The class sizes are much smaller than other schools. Therefore, we [students] get more attention from the instructors, including outside classroom time,” said Irene. She went on to say that, “A successful nurse should always have patience, and good communication skills, including good listening skills. Nurses should have a genuine care for the patient. Also, you always remember to set goals for yourself!”

  • If you could only eat one thing for the rest of your life, what would it be? An omelet with onion, sausage and mushrooms
  • What is your favorite thing to do when you have a day off? Ride my bike
  • If you could be any animal for 24 hours what would you be? An eagle, so I can look down and see everything.
  • If you would be any flavor ice cream, what would you be and why? Vanilla fudge, I love hot fudge sundaes with vanilla fudge.
  • If tomorrow you woke up blind, what would be the one thing you would miss seeing the most? My children Serena and Alexander.
  • If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would you go? Dubai
  • If a genie could grant you three wishes, what would you wish for? Unlimited cash, world peace and a cure for cancer
  • If you could be on any reality T. V. show, what show would you choose to be on? Intervention – being the encourager
  • If you had to wear a t-shirt with one work on it for the rest of your life, what word would you choose?  Peace
  • If you could be any Disney character, who would you be? Mini Mouse – she keeps Mickey in place!
  • If Hollywood made a movie about your life, who would you want to play the leading role? Jada Pinket Smith
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