Is Ambria College of Nursing accredited?
Yes, we are accredited by ABHES and ACEN.
Click here to see accreditation status.
I've taken a lot of credits from other schools. Will they transfer to Ambria?
Yes, Ambria accepts most college credits taken from accredited institutions.
Please submit your official transcripts at
I work, and I wanted to know if you offer day and evening classes?
Yes, Ambria offers day and evening programs. Generally classes are held between the following hours listed below.
- The day program is offered from 8AM - 2PM (4-5 days per week for full-time students)
- The evening program is offered from 4:30 - 8:30 PM (4-5 days per week for full-time for full-time students)
Do you offer Federal Financial Aid?
Yep. We offer the same federal financial aid as the community colleges or big colleges. Our school code is
041247. To get started with your application form,
Click here to apply -- And if you have any questions, please feel free to make an appointment with anyone of our financial aid advisors.
How often do you accept students?
You may apply 3x per year. We offer a SPRING, SUMMER, and FALL semesters.
So, how do I apply? What's my next step?
Great! You're ready to get started. Your first step is to attend one of our information sessions This session will give you detailed information about our program. Plus, you'll get a chance to tour our brand new building, custom-built for nursing education.
Click here to sign up now!
I'm a working adult and looking for full-time or part-time program.
Great! Most of our students are working adults.
We offer full-time and part-time tracks with day and evening schedule.